Please improve this project.

The development process is aligned with GitHub Flow. Whenever, a successful commit is made to the master branch it is automatically published as a npm package. Most of the magic is performed by semantic-release.

Making a change

To make a change If not done already, then fork the project Create a new branch Make you changes and then push them Create a pull request

Please make sure you add a test to prove your change works.

When the pull request is approved, it is merged into master and released to npm.

Commit messages

The commit message(s) is used to determine the type of release (major, minor, patch) and to build the release notes. The message should conform to these conventions. The first line has the form type(scope): subject, where

  • type is feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, perf, test or chore
  • scope is anything specifying the place of change
  • subject is a short description

For example

$ git commit -m 'docs(git): format of a commit message'
$ git commit -m 'fix(number.format): thin space for digit separator'