A pluggable architecture increases flexibility and extensibility. The factory design pattern is used to allow creating an object without having to specify its type/class. ISQ is extended to use other packages with the isq.config object.


By default, ISQ uses the javascript Number to represent a numeric value which is notorious for rounding and precision errors. More precise packages (big.js, big-decimal, ...) can be used by setting isq.config.Number to the package's constructor

isq.config.Number = require('big.js')

A number package is expected to implement the standard math methods. Various aliases are pre-defined to cope with naming inconsistencies.

Uncertain Numbers

By default, ISQ uses the supplied UncertainNumber to represent uncertain numeric values. It can be changed with isq.config.UncertainNumber. The extension package is expected to implement the standard math methods and also the value and uncertainty property.