Uncertainity, or margin of error, describes the imperfect nature of a measurement. Typically, it is the standard deviation of actual measurements.


According to NIST, the mass of a neutron is 1.674 927 471 x 10⁻²⁷ kg with a standard uncertainity of 0.000 000 021 x 10⁻²⁷ kg.

An uncertain number has a value and an uncertainty. It can be created in the following ways:

let mn = isq('1.674 927 471(21) × 10⁻²⁷ kg')
let mn = isq('1.674 927 471(21) * 10^-27 kg')
let mn = isq.unit.kg.times(isq.Number(1.674927471e-27, 0.000000021e-27))


Anytime a calculation is performed, propagation of uncertainity is also performed to determine the uncertainty of the result.

let a = isq('1.2(2) cm'),       // 1.2±0.2 cm
    b = isq('1.3(3) cm'),       // 1.3±0.3 cm
    length = a.plus(b);         // 2.5±0.4 cm


Equality requires taking the uncertainity of both values into consideration.

ISQ defines equality as Is the difference of the two values within the resulting uncertainty?

function equals(a, b) {
    let D = a.minus(b);
    return D.value.abs().lte(D.uncertainty);